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  • Writer's pictureBeau Thompson


After a nice summer break and getting back started to school and working on the actor/writer bit and thinking I had problems and woes. A couple of blowhards called Harvey and Irma brought me back to earth to realize what we perceive as a problem can be overshadowed very quickly. To all my friends and those that we share a mutual not knowing we exist the very best in your difficult times. My family fought Rita (the lesser known sister of Katrina). We were very lucky in so many ways but things are replaceable and those we love are impossible to replace.

I write this on 9/11 which strikes me as appropriate because a disaster is a disaster whether it is from our own callousness or natures. It is in these moments that we need to reflect on those who stepped up and those that struggled and made it and most of all for those that did not and were sacrificed. A disaster does not care what socioeconomic level your in, nor does it care about your family or whether or not your finances can survive. In a twisted way a disaster levels the playing field. You cannot survive or grow from the devastation without uniting and helping one another.

The thing is when our day to day lives wear us down and we have to work in a hostile environment in a place that puts limits on your rights. People constantly judging and criticizing what you have accomplished. All those things become shifted to not as important and in scale much easier to overcome. Most bosses have forgotten how it was to be a worker and feel the need to micromanage or infringe on your ability to work or rights because they have become more interested in a bottom line rather than the satisfaction of their workers. That all gets taken away in that heartbeat of a disaster. We must always be ready to help not hinder. We always need to be aware of our own limits and what is important on a daily basis. Even in the bleakness of an unhappy workplace there is still a chance to move on. Even in a disaster there is hope as we come together. There are greater problems out there so appreciate the small ones most of us face. To those that have lost greatly in times of disaster my heart goes out to you. Your loss and struggle truly gives us hope in a brighter future and we must always hang on to what is really important because it could be lost. THANK YOU ALL!!!

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